An excerpt from my script review for The Descent which will be available 07/24/24:

1.) Marketability of the Idea

Some weeks I’m completely clueless on what to review.

Scripts for films out in theaters are harder and harder to come by, so often I turn to horror, being that it’s the most marketable of genres.

One title that keeps popping up on the list when I search “top horror films” or “popular horror films” is The Descent from 2005.

Admittedly I’ve always been interested in the story, being that it’s a group of women who get stuck in an underground cave system and are hunted by something.

Even if they weren’t being hunted, just the thought of being underground and stuck is enough to physically make me shudder, something I did a time or two when characters were in claustrophobic situations, and that (to me) is pretty scary.

On top of that, our group of women are thrill seekers, and reluctantly put themselves in harm’s way do to a few egos.

When the kids were younger we took them to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. There you’re more tourist than spelunker, but one portion that really hit home was when the guide took our group into this cathedral like cavern. It was awe-inspiring, majestic…and then he turned out the lights.

True pitch black.

In that controlled setting there wasn’t much to worry about since the darkness only lasted a few seconds, but as we made the climb out, up the convenient stairs, I began to think…what if…

And that’s what this story does for us…fills in the blanks of “what if” not only stranding our characters in a cave, but giving them monsters that like to hunt.

The Descent Box Office Stats

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