It’s finally here! The month we have all been waiting for! Okay, maybe not everybody, but anyone who loves to watch horror movies at least. And I got two big ol’ thumbs pointing my way.

Like every year when I do this, Horror Month consists of three maybe four horror movie reviews. I have yet to land on which of the horror movies getting released this month I will review aside from Joker 2, even if it isn’t horror, I feel it’s still one folks want to see reviewed.

And like the previous years for Horror Month, I’ll also make a list of everything coming out this month, where to find them and what date they are released. Your one stop shop for everything coming out! Or about as much as I could find. There are a few I left off the list, only because they seemed like giant super low budget stinkers.

And! Each week I’ll give a quick rundown of what I watched and thought of them, usually on Sunday is when I post those. But if you don’t want to wait a week, I’ll also be posting my thoughts in tweet form over at: https://x.com/CPeachfuzz

But before all that, let’s get to that list of everything coming out. I’ll start with ones that are actually already available or came out a few weeks prior.


Apartment 7A: I was kind of shocked this already got released. I haven’t heard a single thing about it, so I don’t know if that’s a very good sign. I do have to admit, I have never been the biggest fan of Rosemary’s Baby, which this is a prequel to. So, this isn’t exactly high on my list of films to check out this month.

The Front Room: This seems like it could be interesting. It’s an A24 film, so it could either be really fun or really terrible. A black mother of a newborn allows her husband’s old wife grandmother to move in with them and like any horror movie with old folks in it, I’m guess she wants something to do with that baby.

Don’t Turn Out the Lights: Okay, I admit, this one might be bad. The trailer does a good job of showing off a few things from the film that have me worried. The bad acting and lackluster effects. I’m not writing this one off immediately, I think it has the potential to be something worth talking about. But based on the trailer alone, my expectations are very low.

Last Straw: This looks like it might have potential to be a hidden gem. I think I remember seeing a trailer for this back in September, back when it was released, but I love the concept, even if it isn’t a very original one.

Succubus: Yeah, this looks bad. I don’t think I was able to even finish the trailer. This one is going lower down on my watch list.

The Demon Disorder: This is a Shudder film, I remember when that usually meant really bad, but recently they have been doing better with what films they showcase. I haven’t heard much of anything on this movie however. It got released last month with zero fanfare, so I’ll try to keep my exceptions low. Based on the trailer alone, I think it might be worth a watch. I guess we’ll see.


Strange Darling: This is high on my watch list for the one I’m most excited to see. I’ve mostly stayed away from spoilers. This is one that has gained popularity just on word of mouth alone. Usually when that happens it means spoiler talk. I do however have my theory as to what the “twist” could be. Debating if I should share it here or not. They never specify who the serial killer is, we just assume it’s the guy with the gun, when it might be… maybe the one he’s pointing the gun at? Just a hunch, we’ll see how far off I am, seeing as this will be the first film I watch for Horror Month.

Speak No Evil: I actually had no idea this was coming to VOD so soon. I just thought this was going to be a theaters only release. I’m only putting this on the list for others in case they want to watch it. I’ve seen the original, and I’m not super crazy about rewatching this one again, but for an American audience. The trailer gives EVERYTHING away too. There really isn’t much mystery left. The thing I liked about the original was you really have no idea for maybe the last 30 minutes if the mother is just paranoid or not. The couple is weird, sure but you aren’t really all that convinced more is actually going on. The trailer for the remake spoils that.

Crackcoon: Yes, this looks terrible. I only put this on the list because it’s the second killer animal movie coming out this month, the other being a killer kangaroo, which looks infinity better.

Come Home: Might suffer from being too arty farty for its own good, but I’m willing to give it a chance. This is sadly going at the bottom of my list because I get the feeling I’m going to fall asleep during it.

Salem’s Lot: I’m really excited for this one, so much so I have it as a high potential to being review worthy. The trailer blew me away, so expectations are high. However I’ve been seeing mixed reviews on it, which have me slightly worried. Wait and see!

Hold Your Breath: The issue I kind of have with this movie is the trailer makes it seem like the type of horror movie I absolutely hate. The crazy lady turns out to be crazy all along type of horror movie. I hate these movies with a passion. I’m hoping though that isn’t the case, but we’ll see.

Monster Summer: I wasn’t really sure where this was releasing, the trailer says in theaters, but I’ve seen it listed as a VOD also for the 4th, but my hunch says theaters only. This of course has that Monster Squad feel to it, which immediately grabbed my interest.

The Platform 2: I loved the first one even if it had a nonsensical ending that mostly ruins the movie. I have hope they will not repeat the same mistake again. So, based on how much I just love the concept, this one will be high on my watch list.

Joker: Folie a Deux: Not really horror, but it’s on the list. It looks basically like Chicago but with Batman characters in it. Mixed early reviews have me slightly dreading seeing this. But regardless, it’s getting a review!

V/H/S/Beyond: I love that Shudder has continued on with the tradition of releasing a new V/H/S film every year. I know only about 3 or so of the segments are any good, sometimes even less, but just the fact they do it, makes me happy.

Frankie Freako: If you’ve seen Psycho Goreman, you should know what to expect. It’s a throwback to the late 80’s, early 90’s Gremlins ripoff movies like Critters, Ghoulies, Munchies… I know this is going to be great and would be high on my list to do a review on if it wasn’t only showing in theaters.

Krazy House: I don’t know what to think of this one. It’s like a 90’s sitcom that quickly turns into an over the top gorefest. This could be amazing, but it also could be awful. I have this as a potential hidden gem. Every year there’s always one and maybe this is it.

Operation Blood Hunt: I’m fully aware of how bad this one looks, but hey I’m a sucker for werewolf movies. Even if they are most likely all terrible. But this is reminding me of the fake trailer Rob Zombie made for Grindhouse, so I’m going to at least give it a chance.

Hellboy: The Crooked Man: I honestly thought this was fanmade, not an actual legit movie. I still don’t think I’ll be fully convinced until I actually see it for myself. But this looks bad, real bad.

Spin the Bottle: I mean, to be fair, it is what seems to be hot right now. You take a mundane idea like spin the bottle and you somehow make a horror movie around it. I’ve seen worse trailers, so maybe this won’t be so bad.

VOD/4th or 11th.
The Radleys: I’m unsure about the release date of this one. I believe in the UK the release date is the 4th and that might just be for theaters. And the 11th might be the US release which will be a VOD. Either way, I’m always down for a fun vampire flick, especially if it’s a horror comedy, which this seems to be.

Caddo Lake: Damn, this took me by complete surprise. Produced by M. Night Shyamalan, hopefully better than Trap, which was awful. This could be another sleeper hit of the month. Keep your eye out for this one.

Terrifier 3: What can I say? This is the most highly anticipated horror movie in decades. Okay, maybe not that long, but for right now this is at the very top of my watch list. Or it would be if I knew I could actually see the damn thing. Sadly, there’s no way I’m seeing this until it his streaming.

Seven Cemeteries: Sometimes a movie can just look like dumb fun and oh boy does this look dumb. I’m not expecting a whole lot out of this movie, but I do think it will be entertaining enough that I’ll check it out.

Daddy’s Head: This looks like a crazy one. Like I said, Shudder has been doing well recently with their movies and this looks like a creepy one.

Rippy: I mean, c’mon! A killer kangaroo movie? Sign me up right the hell now!

Smile 2: I wrote the first film off as a generic horror movie but was so pleasantly surprised with how much I loved it. Fantastic score, wonderfully shot, really well acted, I can’t praise it enough. The sequel however, I’m disappointed they chose to just do the same thing over again. I feel they could have taken the story in a few different ways but stuck with typical sequel fashion. Just give them the same thing again. But who knows, I was dead wrong about the first film, so maybe this one will get me again. This is also on the list of a potential review.


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