Wind Chill – Fun Early Emily Blunt Horror

An excerpt from my script review for Wind Chill which will be available 03/24/25: 2.) Plot Stability Despite the lackluster performance at the box office, this story did a lot of things right in...

Homefront – Originally Rambo 4?

An excerpt from my script review for Homefront (Rambo 4) which will be available 03/17/25: Hi all. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (Click here if you’re looking for a Leprechaun review.) 1.) Marketability of the Idea Before we get too...

Anora – What did I miss?

An excerpt from my script review for Anora which will be available 03/03/25: 4.) Dialogue and Description The annoying versus the absurd. The youngest watched Jojo Rabbit yesterday. It was appropriate since that was another project...

3rd Annual Golden Cagey Awards – Best Films of 2024

Golden Cagey Awards Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 3rd Annual Golden Cagey Awards, a night dedicated to celebrating the unique and unforgettable performances of one of Hollywood's most enigmatic and beloved actors,...

I Saw the TV Glow – Careful wasting your time…

An excerpt from my script review for I Saw the TV Glow which will be available 02/24/25: 2.) Plot Stability Two things led to the mediocre story we were delivered here. The first was the...

Smile – The Horror of washing my face…

An excerpt from my script review for Smile which will be available 02/18/25: 1.) Marketability of the Idea I hate washing my face. Not that I enjoy being dirty, I understand the benefits of good hygiene, but...
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Back with Hank on another Amazon Studios request. This time we're headed deep into Sawtooth Canyon to find ourselves a Bigfoot. Justin Buettner's Sawtooth does a good job in some places of...

Sundance 2021 (Part 1) – Knocking, Censor and BONUS Film Reviews

Hello All! You are in for a treat, as this year the Sundance Film Festival was presented virtually for people all around the world to enjoy, and I managed to get tickets to...


Hi all. Today we're taking a look at that fiend of the forum, CE Martin. If I remember correctly, CE comes over to us from novels, and by what's he's written here...

Blood and Fire

Hank here. This is my first REQUESTED review from Amazon Studios which I'm excited about. *Sidenote* Thanks to Lauri for taking my review in stride, and sorry I misspelled your name. Today's review is of...

The Wraith – Part 2

3waystopsign takes a look at the script for this 1986 revenge classic! (And don't miss Part 1: The Wraith movie Review here.) I did not read CP's review prior to posting this. I will...

Inherit the Viper – Have we seen this before?

An excerpt from my script review for Inherit the Viper which will be available 03/16/20: 3.) Quality of Characters If you’ve seen Ozark and Ruth Langmore, you’ve more or less seen Josie and the Conley clan. Damn...

The Wraith – Part 1

The Captain takes a look at one of his childhood favorites from the 80s...The Wraith! (Part 2 is the a follow-up from our newest mod, 3waystopsign, reviewing the script!) Enjoy. Easter time is here and...

10 Deadly Sins of Screenwriting

Hi all. Today's article is a discussion Roy started in our forum, which several of you have added to. We wanted to take a bit of time to expand on his initial seven (and...

Movie Reviews