An excerpt from my script review for Ghost Ship which will be available 09/16/24:

1.) Marketability of the Idea

Getting ready for Halloween and Horror Month, I wanted to do a two part review series based on a single horror project.

(And as I do, know that I have “Fall and Halloween Disney Ambience” playing in the background which, and let’s be honest, is more my speed when it comes to scary.)

For Part One we’ll cover the final project that we (mostly) got to see onscreen.  In Part Two, we’ll look at more of the “psychological” initial concept, or at least that’s the plan based on what I’ve read about the source material.

So Ghost Ship

A luxury ocean liner mysteriously disappears and becomes the stuff of legend, especially to salvage hunters on the high seas.

Once on it we’ll encounter not only the supernatural, but bodies that came before us, and too recently for this to be a coincidence.

This felt right in line with the horror projects of the 90s and early 2000s, being a bigger budget picture, and giving audiences enough pretty people to keep us in our seats as meat is fed to the grinder.

What Part One did differently was it actually gave us the ghosts, and we see them.  Little is left to the imagination.

Similar to the wampa from the original Empire Strikes Back versus seeing it in the Special Edition, we can argue whether this is better or not.

“Better” is not really our focus, since it’s subjective, but we will compare how both versions transpire, highlighting what works and what doesn’t, so you can make choices in your own horror scripts.

Ghost Ship Box Office Stats

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