Category: Script Reviews

Hotel Artemis – Why Didn’t It Perform?

An excerpt from my script review for Hotel Artemis which will be available 06/11/18: 1.) Marketability of the Idea Black List 2016. Writer of Iron Man 3 and MI: Rogue Nation. Mr. Pierce has some credits...

Write to Reals: Masters of the Universe (2010) Jeff Wadlow – Unproduced

An excerpt from Reals' unproduced script review for Masters of the Universe by Jeff Wadlow which will be available 06/01/18: What Worked -- Pg 0/1 - I really like to do this in my...

A Kid Like Jake – Millennials Raising Kids…

An excerpt from my script review for A Kid Like Jake which will be available 06/04/18: 2.) Plot Stability Part of me grows tired of these lazily written projects that think because they’re tackling...

Write to Reals: Black Widow – Unproduced David Hayter Script Review

An excerpt from Reals' script review for Black Widow (Unproduced David Hayter) which will be available 8/25/14: New Section - How I Would Have Structured It! Here is a new section of my review...

Beirut – Are 100% of your characters “ON” 100% of the time?

An excerpt from my script review for Beirut which will be available 05/21/18: 4.) Dialogue and Description The dialogue had its moments, but unfortunately was too mundane for the most part. Why do we enjoy...

Write to Reasl – Preacher – Unproduced John August Version: What can we take away?

An excerpt from Reals' script review for Preacher (2010) Unproduced John August which will be available 05/18/18: What Worked Lots of white space - that is great! This is a cool line (and likely visual): DEBLANC...

Chappaquiddick – The Kennedy Love Triangle You Weren’t Expecting!

An excerpt from my script review for Chappaquiddick which will be available 05/14/18: 3.) Quality of Characters Good old fashioned love triangle. And I’m not talking romance, but bromance! Joey Gargan loves Ted Kennedy who loves...

Anon – Netlfix’s New Sci-fi Noir. How’s it hold up?

An excerpt from Reals' script review for Anon which will be available 05/10/18: What Needs Work -- I am also writing a similar noir-like detective story (though mine is a comic series, not a...