An excerpt from my script review for Kicking and Screaming (Untitled Soccer Script) which will be available 10/03/24:
2.) Plot Stability
The main thing we’re going to talk about here is streamlining your script...
An excerpt from my script review for Chimera (aka Ghost Ship) which will be available 09/23/24:
2.) Plot Stability
My thoughts and feelings have been mentioned on this site before, so apologies if you’re...
An excerpt from my script review for Ghost Ship which will be available 09/16/24:
1.) Marketability of the Idea
Getting ready for Halloween and Horror Month, I wanted to do a two part review...
An excerpt from my script review for Ricky Stanicky which will be available 09/09/24:
3.) Quality of Characters
Giving an audience “original” character connections.
In the script there’s this tired “love triangle” between Ted, his...
An excerpt from Reals' script review for Alien 3 which will be available 08/20/24:
What Worked
The Length - 96 pages (including the title page) was a pretty solid length for this story. I will...
An excerpt from my script review for the 2015 unproduced Gambit script which will be available 08/08/24:
2.) Plot Stability
Okay, so here’s a little background from SK’s review of the Gambit script…
Gambit was...
An excerpt from my script review for The Descent which will be available 07/24/24:
1.) Marketability of the Idea
Some weeks I’m completely clueless on what to review.
Scripts for films out in theaters are...
An excerpt from my script review for Red Palms (Unproduced Action script) which will be available 07/17/24:
2.) Plot Stability
My biggest issue here was that it took too long to get Tommy and...