Category: Movie Reviews

The Revenant – Hardy > DiCaprio? When Hank said I should do a review of The Revenant, I was a bit puzzled. I already did a review of The Revenant a couple of years ago. It was awesome!...

Hateful Eight – Don’t make me horse laugh!

The Captain reviews The Hateful Eight: My first review of 2016! And it happens to be for a film I loved. Jeez, it has been so long since I’ve even reviewed a film...

The Cap’n vs Jem – Truly, Truly, Truly Pissed!

The Captain takes a look at Jem and the Holograms. Here's a bit of what he thought, and fyi, he's angry: But seriously, how do you adapt this? I mean, at one...

Victor Frankenstein – The Captain vs. Landis’s Monster!

An excerpt from The Captain's film review for Victor Frankenstein which will be available 12/03/15: I like Max Landis… I think. Let me rephrase that. I think I like his work. Him personally,...

The Gift – Another Film Ruined by The Cap’n?

An excerpt from The Captina's film review of The Gift which will be available 11/16/15: The Gift stars Jason Bateman as Simon. Simon is an asshole. But you don’t really get the full...

Sicario – Movie Review

An excerpt from The Captain's film review of Sicario which will be available 11/12/15: The only reason Kate was even asked to join this operation was so she could sign off on a...

Bone Movie – Happy Cannibal-ween?

An excerpt from The Captain's film review of Bone Tomahawk which will be available 8/25/14: Back to the film. Oddly enough, a lot of the dialogue I had issue with really worked in...

The Martian – Film Review

An excerpt from The Captain's film review for The Martian which will be available 10/09/15: What can I say, this film is great. It is Apollo 13 meets Cast Away. Is there a...