An excerpt from my script review for Homefront (Rambo 4) which will be available 03/17/25:
Hi all.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
(Click here if you’re looking for a Leprechaun review.)
1.) Marketability of the Idea
Before we get too far into the review, did anyone ever play Homefront on Xbox or PS4?
I remember being really excited for the premise (practically a playable Red Dawn) and going to Gamestop right when they opened, back when you actually bought physical copies of games, took it home and beat it…in less than four hours.
Feeling I’d been cheated, I called Gamestop back and asked when I could expect the rest of the game to show up.
The fella who answered was not amused, and in his defense, it really wasn’t his fault.
However, paying $70 for a 4 hour video game is a rip off, and along with the “released work in progress” trend that plagues the gaming industry, this is why none of us should be preordering.
(Just ask Reals and the Cap’n about Star Wars Outlaws.)
But onto this film…
So in case you didn’t know, this was written by Sylvester Stallone as a Rambo 4 sequel.
(More detailed info here.)
Now…when we last see John Rambo in 3, he’s leaving Afghanistan.
This story picks up with him being an undercover DEA operative embedded with a gang of bikers specializing in meth.
That’s quite the gap to fill in terms of not only how he got back into the US after his “questionable” past, but then became an undercover government agent which wasn’t exactly his specialty.
So instead we got Jason Statham!
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